
How To Hand Off A Framer Website To Your Client

How To Hand Off A Framer Website To Your Client

Jul 17, 2024


5 min read


How To Hand Off A Website To Your Client In Framer
How To Hand Off A Website To Your Client In Framer
How To Hand Off A Website To Your Client In Framer


Congratulations! You’ve designed and developed a stunning website for your client using Framer. Now, it’s time to hand it over.

Trust me, a smooth handoff can significantly enhance overall client satisfaction and potentially lead to other future partnerships.

So, in this guide, I’ll walk you through the best workflow currently available to transfer the website to your client using Framer.

Pre-Handoff Preparation

#1 - Framer Site Finalisation

Before handing over a site to your client, you must make sure everything is perfect and ready to publish

All filler content should be removed, all placeholders should be replaced with the final elements, and all unnecessary pages should be deleted.

While all of these might sound like trivial tasks, they will show the client that you’ve taken the time to review everything, that you care about the project, and that you are not rushing to close it just to get the money.

Also, while these tasks will take you just a handful of minutes, they might be problematic for the client if they are inexperienced with editors—leading to many iterations with you and potentially even some frustration.

So, before you publish, I suggest you go through this prelaunch checklist for Framer websites. Using it will ensure you don’t miss any details, no matter how small they are.

#2 - Client Approval

When the site is 100% ready, ask your client for approval one last time. While this may sound redundant, it will save you a bunch of time on minor updates that might have gone unnoticed until the site was publish-ready.

Once you are sure your client is satisfied with the result, it’s time for the last crucial step.

#3 - Documentation

While often overlooked, I’m a big fan of creating some sort of documentation for your client site - especially if the site is relatively big or potentially quite complex.

While this might sound like a bunch of useless work, I believe there are two very compelling reasons to take the time to do it:

  1. It increases the perceived value.

    → If your client only expects a website and you also send him a documentation, I guarantee he will be pleasantly surprised.

    → While it might take you just a couple of hours to make, it shows the client that you care about the project and want everything to go as intended.

  2. It decreases iterations and maintenance work.

    → Depending on how you price your services, most freelancers and agencies include a period of post-publication support in their packages to ensure everything is going well.

    → (Some also offer subscription plans, but that’s another story)

    → If you get this right, your client will probably avoid contacting you for small, trivial tasks, and you will probably get back all the time you invested in creating the documentation.

Obviously, I’m not suggesting you recreate the entire Framer Academy but instead put together a 20/30 minutes walkthrough of how to perform basic tasks.

Usually, I include basic customisations such as how to edit text, CTAs, images, title tags, meta descriptions, and some SEO best practices.

More importantly, though, I always focus most of the time on explaining how the CMS collections are structured and how to add/edit content (since that’s where they will spend most of their time)

Now that the site is 100% ready to be delivered, it’s time to actually hand it off to the client.

Steps to Hand Off a Site to a Client Using Framer

1. Client Account Setup

Before sending your client the project, I suggest you tell him to create a Framer account.

While it’s true they can create it when you send them the remix link, I believe separating the two tasks makes the whole process smoother.

The signup process is quite intuitive and should take your client no more than a few minutes.

2. Share The Remix Link

Once your client has set up his account, send him the remix link of the project you just built.

To generate a remix link for your project, simply navigate to the top-left menu and select File > Copy Remix Link.

If you are an official Framer partner, make sure to add your affiliate tag at the end of the remix link.

Here’s what it should look like:


Once you have the remix link, share it with your client and tell him to follow the instructions that will appear once he clicks on it.

3. Get Added As An Editor (Optional)

It will usually make sense to ask your client to add you to their workspace as an editor.

This allows you to help them connect a custom domain, ensure everything is fine, and make sure there are no optimisation errors when they publish the site.

However, don’t forget to mention to your client that they will be billed for the additional editor (you) in accordance with the workspace plan they bought.


That was basically it for this Framer tutorial. Let’s quickly recap:

  1. Pre-Handoff Preparation

    → Make sure everything is 100% publish-ready.

    → Make sure the client is satisfied with the work you did.

    → Create a basic documentation the client can reference when they need anything.

  2. Project Transfer

    → Make your client create a Framer profile.

    → Send them the remix link for the project (with your affiliate tag attached).

    → Ask them to get added as an editor.

Thanks for reading!

- Luca

Luca Da Corte

Luca Da Corte is a certified Framer Expert and SEO specialist with over two years of experience. He's also the founder of clicks.supply, one of the biggest collections of Framer templates, components, and resources.

Luca Da Corte is a certified Framer Expert and SEO specialist with over two years of experience. He's also the founder of clicks.supply, one of the biggest collections of Framer templates, components, and resources.

Table Of Contents:

Pre-Handoff Preparation
Steps to Hand Off a Site to a Client Using Framer

Table Of Contents:

Table Of Contents:

Pre-Handoff Preparation
Steps to Hand Off a Site to a Client Using Framer

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