
Framer Pricing Explained: Which Plan Is Right For You?

Framer Pricing Explained: Which Plan Is Right For You?

Oct 2, 2024


11 min read


Framer Pricing Explained: Which Plan Is Right For You?
Framer Pricing Explained: Which Plan Is Right For You?
Framer Pricing Explained: Which Plan Is Right For You?


Confused about Framer pricing? You’re not alone. After spending a lot of time in the community, I noticed new users are always confused about which plan to choose.

So, in this guide, I’ll break down Framer’s different plans and features so you can easily figure out which plan best fits your needs.

At the end of the article, I’ll also go over some frequently asked questions and common scenarios I see coming up time and again in the community.

However, Framer has so many features that I cannot go over each one of them. That’s why I’ll only cover the most important aspects in an attempt to bring clarity instead of more confusion.

This guide is for you if:

✅ You’re relatively new to Framer.

✅ You’re confused about the differences between site and workspace pricing.

✅ You’re confused about what you can and cannot do with each plan.

✅ You want some real-world examples of what each plan allows.

If that’s not you because you want a more technical approach, I suggest you check out the official pricing page.

For those who stayed, let’s get started!

Framer Pricing Overview

The first thing you need to know about Framer pricing is that there are two types of plans: Site Pricing and Workspace Pricing.

What are the differences? Long story short, site plans refer to single websites (projects), while workspace pricing refers to the whole workspace (collection of projects).

Let’s look at an example to make things easier. In my primary workspace, I have my portfolio, clicks.supply (this website), and a bunch of other projects I created to share free resources or templates. (see photo below)

Workspace example in Framer

Now, I'm paying for two different site plans - one for my portfolio and one for clicks.supply. This means that only these two projects benefit from premium features. If I wanted to publish another website from my workspace, I’d have to purchase a whole new site pricing plan for that project.

On the other hand, Framer workspace pricing is billed, as the name suggests, on a workspace level. That means that for every new editor I invite to the workspace (not a single project, but the whole workspace), I get charged an additional fee. However, that new editor can work on every website in the workspace, not just a single one.

Now that we understand the differences let’s look at each type in more detail.

Framer Site Pricing Plans

Framer offers five different pricing plan options: Free, Mini, Basic, Pro, and Enterprise. Let’s break them all down:


Even though this pricing plan is completely free, it still comes with a ton of functionalities (I’m still amazed by this). You have complete access to advanced features, yet you don’t have to pay a single dime.

You can build and host your website for free. You can include up to ten CMS collections. You can use the incredible Framer AI feature to make a website from scratch in seconds…

For instance, I could literally host this website for free if I wanted to. So, why am I paying for a Pro Plan when the Free plan is so powerful?

Because there are three main drawbacks to this plan:

  1. A limited number of visitors.

    → This plan limits the number of monthly visitors to 1000.

  2. You can’t connect your domain.

    → Even though Framer allows you to host the website completely for free on a Framer subdomain, you cannot connect your own domain.

  3. You can’t remove the “Made in Framer” banner.

    → Whenever you publish a free website, there will be a banner in the bottom right part of the screen showing that the website was made in Framer.

Due to these three main limitations, the free plan is particularly suitable for learning how to use the platform and publishing hobby projects.

This plan is also fantastic if you’re a freelancer or an agency wanting to develop a pro website for a client without paying for the functionalities!

Made in Framer banner

Mini - $5 per site per month

I think the mini plan is hands down the most confusing one. That’s because you would expect all the free features PLUS something more. However, that’s not the case.

The Mini plan lets you connect your custom domain (it doesn’t come with the plan; you must buy it from a domain name provider) and remove the “Made in Framer” banner. So far, so good.

However, these two added functionalities come at the expense of:

  1. Page number limit.

    → With this plan, you can only host a main page and a 404 page. Before you try it: No, you cannot swap the 404 page with another custom page.

  2. No CMS collection.

    → That’s right! Even though the free plan allowed up to 10 CMS collections, this plan doesn’t offer any CMS feature.

  3. Visitors limit
    → Sites hosted using the mini plan have a limit of 1,000 visitors per month to the site. When you start approaching the limit, you’ll receive an email asking you to upgrade to the Basic plan.

Due to the hard limit on the number of pages, this plan perfectly suits landing pages and simple one-page websites. For instance, I hosted my first one-page portfolio using this plan!

Since June 20, 2024, you can now also add a fully functional form to your landing page to either capture leads or allow people to get in touch with you.

The mini plan limits form submissions to 50 per month, which is perfectly fair considering the limit to the number of visitors and an average conversion rate of 3% - which equals thirty form submissions every thousand visitors.

Important Note: If you have a simple opt-in which only requires the name and the email, then you can use one of the integrations Framer offers for email marketing tools (or even integrate those that are not natively available). The submissions on these inputs will NOT count towards your form limit.

Basic - $15 per site per month

The basic plan is probably the most versatile one and the best option in 80% of scenarios. Let’s look at what this plan offers:

  1. 150 pages limit.

    → If you could only have two pages with the mini plan, the basic one allows up to 150 static pages. This limit doesn’t include CMS pages, so the actual maximum number of pages on the site will be 1150 pages (up to 1000 CMS pages and 150 static pages)

  2. 2 CMS collections.

    → Starting on October 2nd, the basic plan now allows for up to 2 CMS collections (allowing you to use the new CMS references) and a total of 1,000 CMS items.

  3. 10,000 monthly visitors.

    → This plan allows for up to 10,000 visitors per month. If you’re worried about your website going down overnight, do not worry, as Framer will notify you as you approach the limit.

  4. 500 form submissions.
    → The basic plan allows up to 500 form submissions per month, which will vastly suffice for most businesses’ websites.

  5. Basic CDN.

    → CDN is short for Content Delivery Network. Without getting too technical, a CDN will make your website load faster without you having to do anything.

Thanks to its extensive features, this plan is perfect for personal sites and small businesses. It’s also the best option if you want to host a blog with a relatively high amount of traffic.

Example of a blog hosted on Framer

Pro - $30 per site per month

This plan is made for bigger websites and has a ton more features than the previous one. Here are the most important ones:

  1. 300 static pages limit.

    → With the pro plan, the number of static pages double to 300. Again, this is not considering CMS pages, so the actual maximum limit would be 10,300 pages.

  2. 200,000 monthly visitors.

    → This plan allows for up to 200,000 visitors per month.

  3. 10 CMS collections.

    → With this plan, you can now have 10 CMS collections and up to 10,000 CMS items. For instance, this website uses three different CMS collections: one for the blog, one for the templates, and one for my free resources.

  4. 2,500 form submissions.

    → The pro plan allows up to 2,500 form submissions per month. This is a perfectly reasonable amount for bigger websites with multiple landing pages and tens of thousands of visitors per month.

  5. Global CDN.

    → If your website wasn’t loading fast enough with the basic CDN, you now have access to a global CDN that will ensure light-speed loading times.

This plan allows for a lot of flexibility. It’s the perfect choice if you have bigger websites, need to integrate analytics, or just need more bandwidth to sustain all the traffic you receive!

Enterprise - Custom Pricing

Framer offers one last plan for enterprises. I’ll not review its features as they’re a bit too technical and would cause more confusion than clarity.

On top of that, enterprise plans offer flexibility over the features delivered, so I can’t give you specific numbers.


There are scenarios where your Pro plan isn’t quite enough, but you don’t need (or want) a whole enterprise plan.

Maybe you want an unlimited search functionality. Or perhaps you need more bandwidth as your website receives more than 200,000 monthly visitors.

This is what add-ons are all about. They allow pro plans to have more functionalities without switching to the enterprise plan.

As of July 2024, Framer offers six add-ons for your Pro plan. If you want to check them out, here’s the official page.

Framer add-ons page

Framer Workspace Pricing Plans

Now that we understand site pricing let’s look at workspace pricing. You only need to care about workspace pricing if you want to invite collaborators to work on your projects.

If that’s not the case, feel free to skip this section entirely.

Note: No matter which plan you choose, the first editor (the website owner) will never be charged as an editor.


The free plan allows you and your (small) team to work on free projects completely for free. This plan also provides a 3-day version history that you can use to recover deleted sections/pages.

Basic - $20 per editor per month

This plan is perfect if you need up to 5 collaborators to work on free and paid projects. Here are the main features:

  1. Up to 5 editors.

    → This plan allows for a maximum of 5 editors per workspace. Please note that you’ll be charged per editor. That means that every new editor will cost you an additional $20 per month.

  2. Collaboration on all sites.

    → If you could only collaborate on free sites with the free workspace pricing plan, with the basic one, you can collaborate on both free and paid sites.

  3. Cursor chat.

    → This feature helps you communicate in real time with other members working on the same project at the same time.

  4. 7-day version history.

    → A 7-day version history to help you recover deleted sections/pages.

This plan is the perfect choice for website owners working with a freelancer to develop and edit their project(s). For instance, most of my clients use this exact plan to allow me to edit projects in their workspace.

Example of workspace members

Pro - $40 per editor per month

The pro plan is perfect if you need a large group of people to work on your workspace. Here are the additional features compared to the previous plan:

  1. Up to 10 editors.

    → 1. With this plan, you can invite five more editors to work on your workspace compared to the basic plan.


    → If the cursor chat allowed for real-time communication and feedback, comments allow for asynchronous collaborations (if you’ve ever worked with Figma, you should be familiar with this feature).

  3. 30-day version history.

    → Same as the previous plans but longer.


As with the enterprise site plan, I’ll not go over this one as it would only cause more confusion rather than clarity.

Which Pricing Plan Is Right For You?

If you’ve read the whole article, you should already have a pretty clear idea of which plan is right for you.

However, here’s a quick recap of what you can do with each (site) pricing plan:

  • Free Plan

    → Perfect for people who want to learn how to use the tool or want to host for free a small project. It’s also the best choice for freelancers and agencies that need to develop websites for their clients but don’t want to pay for the hosting.

  • Mini Plan

    → Perfect for landing pages and one-page websites.

  • Basic Plan

    → Perfect for quite big websites (up to 150 pages). Thanks to the CMS and the high limit of monthly visitors, it’s the preferred choice for personal blogs, portfolios, and small business websites.

  • Pro Plan

    → Perfect for big websites that need complex functionalities and have a lot of traffic. It also allows for add-ons, so you can add features without upgrading to the Enterprise plan.

  • Enterprise Plan

    → This plan allows for almost anything you can imagine.

At the end of the day, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Start with the plan that allows for the functionalities you need, and then consider upgrading only if needed.

For instance, my first portfolio was a one-pages hosted with the mini plan . Then I upgraded to the basic plan as I wanted a CMS for my blog and more pages. Finally, I decided to upgrade to the Pro plan as it offered all the features I wanted.

(Eventually, I moved all my resources to this website and my website is now running on a basic plan)

switching from mini to basic to pro

FAQ & Troubleshooting

Do Paid Plans Come With A Domain Name?

No, paid plans do not come with a domain name. You must buy it from a domain name provider like Squarespace, GoDaddy, etc.

Is Framer Free?

Yes, Framer’s free plan allows you to build and host a website entirely for free. However, you’ll need to upgrade to a pro plan to connect a custom domain or receive more than 1,000 monthly visitors (among other features).

How Do I Upgrade/Downgrade A Site Plan?

You can upgrade/downgrade any site plan by going to your site’s settings > plans and then choosing the plan you want.

Framer Forces Me To Choose A Paid Workspace Plan, What Do I Do?

When you purchase any site plan, you’ll also be forced to choose a paid workspace plan. However, you’ll not be charged anything unless you start to invite editors.

The Prices You Wrote In The Guide Are Wrong!

Framer offers localised pricing plans. Therefore, the prices listed above might present discrepancies compared to the ones in your country. On top of that, the price will change based on whether you want to be billed monthly or yearly.

How Do I Remove The “Made In Framer” Badge?

You can remove the “Made In Framer” badge by upgrading your site to any paying plan. The badge is only displayed on websites hosted using the Free plan and is automatically removed once you upgrade to a paying plan and publish again.


In this guide, we reviewed the most important aspects to consider when choosing a plan for your Framer site.

We explored each pricing tier in great detail, reviewing its limits, use cases, and frequently asked questions.

If you are still confused or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at support@clicks.supply or post your question in the official Framer community.

Thanks for reading!

- Luca

Luca Da Corte

Luca Da Corte is a certified Framer Expert and SEO specialist with over two years of experience. He's also the founder of clicks.supply, one of the biggest collections of Framer templates, components, and resources.

Luca Da Corte is a certified Framer Expert and SEO specialist with over two years of experience. He's also the founder of clicks.supply, one of the biggest collections of Framer templates, components, and resources.

Table Of Contents:

Framer Pricing Overview
Framer Site Pricing Plans
Framer Workspace Pricing Plans
Which Pricing Plan Is Right For You?
FAQ & Troubleshooting

Table Of Contents:

Table Of Contents:

Framer Pricing Overview
Framer Site Pricing Plans
Framer Workspace Pricing Plans
Which Pricing Plan Is Right For You?
FAQ & Troubleshooting

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