
CMS Previous/Next Navigation

CMS Previous/Next Navigation

CMS Previous/Next Navigation

This is a CMS with previous/next navigation built in Framer without the need for any code. Feel free to remix the project or read the guide on how to build it from scratch.

CMS Previous/Next Navigation in Framer
CMS Previous/Next Navigation in Framer
CMS Previous/Next Navigation in Framer


Allowing the user to easily access the previous or next element in a CMS collection list (like a blog) is one of the most used ways to increase time on site and the number of internal links pointing to each page.

With this free project, I wanted to show you how you can natively implement this functionality within your Framer website.

I've also created a step-by-step tutorial you can follow to better understand how to implement this functionality and how the sample project is structured.


This is a CMS with previous/next navigation built in Framer without the need for any code. Feel free to remix the project or read the guide on how to build it from scratch.




Last Updated

Jan 29, 2024

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