Premium Framer templates,
components & tutorials

Premium Templates, components & tutorials is a collection of premium Framer templates, clonables,
and tutorials to help you build better Framer websites. is a collection of premium Framer templates, clonables, and tutorials to help you build better Framer websites.

loved by


creators worldwide

loved by


creators worldwide

Premium assets

Pro-level templates and components to build stunning sites fast.

Premium assets

Pro-level templates and components to build stunning sites fast.

Launch faster

Launch projects quicker with ready-to-use assets and templates.

Launch faster

Launch projects quicker with ready-to-use assets and templates.

Trusted by creators

Used and trusted by thousands of Framer creators and builders.

Trusted by creators

Used and trusted by thousands of Framer creators and builders.

Always improving

Constantly maintained and improved with love by the clicks team.

Always improving

Constantly maintained and improved with love by the clicks team.

Framer templates

Browse our collection of
high-quality Framer templates.

Carefully built with
absolute precision

Our templates are crafted with precision, ensuring every detail is polished so you can launch with confidence.

Speed optimized

Loads fast, runs smooth

and is simply the best

Perfectly Responsive

Looks great on any 

device, big or small.


Easily customizable

Edit everything with 

just a few clicks.


Built to help your site 

rank higher on Google.