Write is a minimal Framer personal blog template originally designed for a personal project and later turned into a free template.
The design is clean and minimal, with the only focus being getting people to subscribe to the newsletter or read the blog posts.
While not suited for big and/or complex blogs, Write is the perfect choice for personal blogs.
Framer personal blog template
Secured payment via Stripe
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Secured payment via Stripe
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Secured payment via Stripe
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Framer personal blog template
Secured payment via Stripe
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Template details
3 Publish-ready pages
Write comes with three publish-ready pages. The pages included are: home, archieve, and single blog article (CMS).
3 Publish-ready pages
Write comes with three publish-ready pages. The pages included are: home, archieve, and single blog article (CMS).
3 Publish-ready pages
Write comes with three publish-ready pages. The pages included are: home, archieve, and single blog article (CMS).
Easy-to-use CMS collection
The bulk of the content on the site is handled via a neatly-set-up CMS collection, making it very easy for everyone to add/edit/remove.
Easy-to-use CMS collection
The bulk of the content on the site is handled via a neatly-set-up CMS collection, making it very easy for everyone to add/edit/remove.
Easy-to-use CMS collection
The bulk of the content on the site is handled via a neatly-set-up CMS collection, making it very easy for everyone to add/edit/remove.
Easily customisable
Write was developed with ease of use in mind. All the best practices, including global styles, colors, and components were followed.
Easily customisable
Write was developed with ease of use in mind. All the best practices, including global styles, colors, and components were followed.
Easily customisable
Write was developed with ease of use in mind. All the best practices, including global styles, colors, and components were followed.
Customer support
Should you run into any issues customising the template, all you have to do is reach out to us and we'll help you get unstuck.
Customer support
Should you run into any issues customising the template, all you have to do is reach out to us and we'll help you get unstuck.
Customer support
Should you run into any issues customising the template, all you have to do is reach out to us and we'll help you get unstuck.
Search feature
Write comes with a custom search bar powered by the built-in search feature, blending functionality and aesthetics.
Search feature
Write comes with a custom search bar powered by the built-in search feature, blending functionality and aesthetics.
Search feature
Write comes with a custom search bar powered by the built-in search feature, blending functionality and aesthetics.
Perfectly responsive
Despite using only two breakpoints, the template is perfectly responsive across all devices.
Perfectly responsive
Despite using only two breakpoints, the template is perfectly responsive across all devices.
Perfectly responsive
Despite using only two breakpoints, the template is perfectly responsive across all devices.
Speed optimised
No need to worry about performance. When tested, Write will easily score 95+ on Lighthouse for desktop devices.
Speed optimised
No need to worry about performance. When tested, Write will easily score 95+ on Lighthouse for desktop devices.
Speed optimised
No need to worry about performance. When tested, Write will easily score 95+ on Lighthouse for desktop devices.
Ay11 compliant
Write is Ay11 compliant, ensuring your website is usable by everyone, including visitors with disabilities.
Ay11 compliant
Write is Ay11 compliant, ensuring your website is usable by everyone, including visitors with disabilities.
Ay11 compliant
Write is Ay11 compliant, ensuring your website is usable by everyone, including visitors with disabilities.
Custom 404 page
The template comes with a custom 404 page designed to reduce bounce rates at a minimum for missing URLs.