
Social Share Buttons

Social Share Buttons

Social Share Buttons

Free Social Share Buttons For Framer

Free social share buttons for Framer
Free social share buttons for Framer
Free social share buttons for Framer


Introducing social share buttons for Framer!

This free custom code component will allow your visitors to easily share your website on the following social media platforms:

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • LinkedIn

  • WhatsApp

  • Email

  • Copy to clipboard

If that wasn’t enough, these buttons also allow for complete customisation. More precisely, you’ll be able to edit:

  • Icon Size

  • Icon Color

  • Icon Weight

  • Background Color

  • Border Width

  • Border Color

  • Border Radius

  • Padding

All you have to do is just copy and paste them on your page, select the services you want to show the visitor, and hit publish!


Free Social Share Buttons For Framer




Last Updated

Jun 7, 2024

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