
How To Delete Projects In Framer

How To Delete Projects In Framer

Apr 2, 2024


2 min read


How to delete projects in Framer
How to delete projects in Framer
How to delete projects in Framer


For more than a year since its pivot to a website builder, Framer didn’t offer a delete functionality for old projects.

Why? I don’t know.

meme on why Framer didn't allow to delete projects for its first year as a website builder

However, on April 1st 2024, the Framer team finally released the functionality everybody was waiting for.

However, it only allows you to delete one project at a time.

But what if you want to bulk-delete them? Well, then, I have a trick that might come in handy.

So, let’s quickly look at how you can delete projects in Framer, both one by one and in batches.

How To Delete A Project In Framer

If you want to delete a project in Framer, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Archive the project.

  2. Hover over its card and click “delete”.

How to delete a single project in Framer

That’s it!

Now, let’s look at how to batch-delete projects (kind of)

How To Bulk Delete Projects In Framer

1. Create A New Workspace

Start by creating a new workspace.

Simply click the “+ New Workspace” button in the left sidebar, name it, and leave everything else blank.

For example, I always call it “Trash”.

creating a workspace for batch-deleting old projects in Framer

2 - Move Old Projects To The New Workspace

Now that you have this workspace, all you have to do is always move your unused projects there instead of archiving them.

To do that, hover over the project you want to delete and move your mouse to the bottom-right corner of the project thumbnail.

Click on the menu button that appears, then select “Move” and the name of your new workspace.

3 - Delete The Workspace

When you want to delete all those projects, all you’ll have to do is delete the entire workspace and all the projects inside it will also be deleted.

To do that, go to Workspace Settings > Details > Delete Workspace.

How to delete a workspace in Framer

And that's it! With these simple steps, you've successfully deleted all the unwanted projects in Framer.

Thanks for reading!

- Luca

Luca Da Corte
Luca Da Corte

Luca Da Corte is a certified Framer Expert and SEO specialist with over two years of experience. He's also the founder of clicks.supply, one of the biggest collections of Framer templates, components, and resources.

Luca Da Corte is a certified Framer Expert and SEO specialist with over two years of experience. He's also the founder of clicks.supply, one of the biggest collections of Framer templates, components, and resources.

Table Of Contents:

How To Delete A Project In Framer
How To Bulk Delete Projects In Framer

Table Of Contents:

Table Of Contents:

How To Delete A Project In Framer
How To Bulk Delete Projects In Framer

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